Alhamdulillah, this is our 2nd month in our beloved marriage life. Inai masih merah di jari, even its getting lighter n soon to be gone. You said that u don wanna lose ur 'inai' because for u its a simbolic sign for us. Becoz, when u look at it, it will remind us at d 1st second before all these things started. Ya, means...the preparations, before & the moment of our majlis pernikahan & persandingan...ya sort of like that, rite sayang?

The fact is sayang, what we can see & touch physically sometimes maybe gone, but in our heart itself, will be eternity & last forever. Recently, we do have a dream, we do have a hope. InsyaAllah sayang, the time will come. Please remember...i love much Pn. Zarith Sofia Zolkipli. May Allah bless u.
HUbby yg diCintai...terima kasih utk segalanya..sayang bahagia sayang sempurna d cc Hubby...Maafkn silap & slh sayang...sayang berdoa kebahagiaan kita berkekalan sehingga menutup mata hendaknya..sayang berdoa segalanya yg terbaik utk kita..I Love U Hubby...muahhhhh
semoga bahagia selamanya...amin
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