jeaahh!! we had a great moment last nite. watching acoustic nights organise'm not sure by who..sorry. hihi..ya! actually its a lot of collaborations behind the scene, before the show start, i do heard many names mentioned to make sure the show perfectly done!! aha!
tp..sebelum pegi lebih jauh...huhu, mase nak gi tempat ni...which is at KL PAC (have u been here before?). its quite classy place, suit with the name KL Performing Art Centre that can be seen at the building structure..ala2 english style gitu...mule2 tak tau jalan nk gi sane...20 minutes lost on the road..but finally?? jeaahh! we found it! (tq brother jual burger kt sentul, show me the way..hihi).
acoustic nite, its a musical show..the best thing is, my cuzie in law, Ila Damiaa is in the house to steal the show!! she's been invited by her mentor joe flizzow (he's actually the main entertainer last nite) to collaborate with him singing 4 songs..medley way! ya, owes mentioned by joe, that he's now preparing a new album n collaborating with several artist including ila!!
we r part of the nite! |
pwincezz & adi in d house! |
 | & main producer |
purevibracion, 1st malaysian raggae band! |
joe flizzoooww!! jeaahh!! |
ni my pwincezz..hihi..gamba hubby mane? |
so, no need to talk lots..just 3 was superb!!! acoustic show mmg one of my feveret la..n to be part of it, mcm mau replay balik, den tengok balik dr awl..hihi. ya, all of us including my beloved wiffey pwincezz mata bulat were having fun! in d 1st place, tq ila for the invitation..i really appreciate it. tq so much!
p/s : ila, sory sory sory, bg'G sibuk record show ila smlam, sampai terlupa nak amik gambar ila...huhu. sorry ye.
loh, bile awk org cita sal kl pac, sy mati2 ingat awkorg tau jalan~~~ sy slalu je tgk teater kat kl pac ni.. sy betul ingat korg tau jalan, selamat tak lampat for show kan..... tp mest best kan show tu...
kitorang tersalah satu simpang jew, but kesannyee?? huh! its de worth it!!
best ye? tak pernah gi sana lagi...
best sis!! cube gi sane!! ce cuba ce cuba!!
hehehe paNdaI lak oRg jual BurGer tu tunJuk jaLan ek..hehehehe
tQ visIt my blog... i fOlloW u 2 hikhikhik...
mysha: tu namenye multitasking..hihi..
ya tq to u too
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