ya,its omos 3 weex since i left kuching. untuk kesekian kalinya aku balik ke tanah halaman keluarga mertua, tapi tak pernah sekali pun aku merasa terasing dan berbeza bila bersama mereka. bahasa? ya aku mengaku aku belum fasih berbahasa sarawak, tapi aku akui jugak aku dah mula membiasakan diri utk bercakap, samada dalam bahasa virtual atau nyata. (bahasa virtual ye tak, utk twitter, fb ngn message fon). tapi klu bercakap psl pemahaman, dah lame aku faham. hihi!
all those pictures inside my fon, i think its not cool without sharing with u guys. satu lg, ia satu kepuasan utk diri sendiri jgk, tgk gamba2 sendiri n family. ahaks! maybe some of u feels that there's nothing special on it, but for me..any captions that taken, esp with the people we loved, that is the most valuable thing that i can n i will appreciate.setuju?tak?its ok...hihi.
ok, the things that i missed in kuching...make it things as a general la ye,it can be people, environment, foods,haha, n ya...everything..
let the pictures continues the remain of this entry.
danish yg asyik berjalan-jalan! |
some of local faveret dishes! |
locat fruits collection! |
only in serian!! |
ranchan waterfall in serian! |
green scene! |
jambatan gantung!! |
family dinner at topspot! |
family breakfast before take off! |
seconds before saying gudbye... |
till we meet again soooon! love u'all!! |
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