Jam tepat menunjukkan pukul 5.47 petang. Tie dah tanggal, lengan baju dh disengsengkan. Excell sheet untuk wat claim process pun aku dah tutup. Now tinggal lotus notes & blog kesayangan aku ni je yang still running.
Masih menunggu reply daripada my pwincezz mata bulat..'bila kite nak gerak ni sayang...' Aku tengok status sametimes dia..'I'm away from my computer now..', means..ya dia takde kat tempat skang ni. Even aku dah call, no answer. Confirm dia xde kat tempat.huhu...mana dia...
For this time being, she's really busy preparing documentation for her units latest promotion program. PM mission,lupe lak...sayang pls..). Its usual thing actually, when it comes to PM mission, sofia & her colleagues have to give 'extra hands' to ensure everythings in order & complete!
Today...ya..a lot of meetings...its just 2 meetings, but the work is getting more serious and challenging. Even yesterday, 3rd May my 3rd 'anniversary' working with this lovely MATRADE...alhamdulillah...many great things I've earned while working here...of coz, big & wonderful building...great & respective colleagues & organisation..I do feel there's an improvement for me in terms of career & personal skills. There's more to come??whether i'm ready or not?? Only me will be able to answer the question..aha!
It's a part of my life...and I'm really gratefull for what I have & for everything that I've been gone thru. For my personal life...both of it still get a space for enhancement. Here & there...nothings perfect, but at least...I'm satisfied with it.
Waktu berbuka...makit dekat...skang dah hampir pukul 6. I'm still waiting for my fiancee...huhu...maybe she still buzy. Hari ni kitorang plan nak berbuka puasa dengan 'd sengetzz' yang pastinya 'wild' dan ganas!!hihi...venue?? Nailis @ ampang. Direction ke situ pun dah dapat, via msg je ngn Nadi td. So far, klu tanya pasal arah venue ni, Nadi memang pro. Gud job!
Hari ni aku rasa lapar semacam (huhu,xleh xleh cakap camtu, kurang pahala puasa). Badan pun lenguh2 pulak rasanya. Jari2 kat tangan ni dah banyak kali aku 'letupkan'. Mm...tak sabar nak berbuka hari ini, Jaja & Izzam pun join...meriah ni. Ok,jom gerak guyz!!
So far, Nailis ni ok...tempat cantik..makan pun, bolehlah..alhamdulillah. Cuma mahal sikit..service pun ala2 je. Suppose to be, restaurant yang dah megah camni, service kena tip top. Sebab, kadang2 makanan kalau 'ok2' je..tapi service mantop?? they still can have my thumbs up...apepun, alhamdulillah...sempurna puasa untuk hari ke-2
To Nadi, Jaja & Izzam...thanks for joining me & pwincezz mata bulat for today's fast breaking.
We had a great time...gud gud.
We'll see again guyzz!!
Jam tepat menunjukkan pukul 5.47 petang. Tie dah tanggal, lengan baju dh disengsengkan. Excell sheet untuk wat claim process pun aku dah tutup. Now tinggal lotus notes & blog kesayangan aku ni je yang still running.
Masih menunggu reply daripada my pwincezz mata bulat..'bila kite nak gerak ni sayang...' Aku tengok status sametimes dia..'I'm away from my computer now..', means..ya dia takde kat tempat skang ni. Even aku dah call, no answer. Confirm dia xde kat tempat.huhu...mana dia...
For this time being, she's really busy preparing documentation for her units latest promotion program. PM mission,lupe lak...sayang pls..). Its usual thing actually, when it comes to PM mission, sofia & her colleagues have to give 'extra hands' to ensure everythings in order & complete!
Today...ya..a lot of meetings...its just 2 meetings, but the work is getting more serious and challenging. Even yesterday, 3rd May my 3rd 'anniversary' working with this lovely MATRADE...alhamdulillah...many great things I've earned while working here...of coz, big & wonderful building...great & respective colleagues & organisation..I do feel there's an improvement for me in terms of career & personal skills. There's more to come??whether i'm ready or not?? Only me will be able to answer the question..aha!
It's a part of my life...and I'm really gratefull for what I have & for everything that I've been gone thru. For my personal life...both of it still get a space for enhancement. Here & there...nothings perfect, but at least...I'm satisfied with it.
Waktu berbuka...makit dekat...skang dah hampir pukul 6. I'm still waiting for my fiancee...huhu...maybe she still buzy. Hari ni kitorang plan nak berbuka puasa dengan 'd sengetzz' yang pastinya 'wild' dan ganas!!hihi...venue?? Nailis @ ampang. Direction ke situ pun dah dapat, via msg je ngn Nadi td. So far, klu tanya pasal arah venue ni, Nadi memang pro. Gud job!

Hari ni aku rasa lapar semacam (huhu,xleh xleh cakap camtu, kurang pahala puasa). Badan pun lenguh2 pulak rasanya. Jari2 kat tangan ni dah banyak kali aku 'letupkan'. Mm...tak sabar nak berbuka hari ini, Jaja & Izzam pun join...meriah ni. Ok,jom gerak guyz!!
So far, Nailis ni ok...tempat cantik..makan pun, bolehlah..alhamdulillah. Cuma mahal sikit..service pun ala2 je. Suppose to be, restaurant yang dah megah camni, service kena tip top. Sebab, kadang2 makanan kalau 'ok2' je..tapi service mantop?? they still can have my thumbs up...apepun, alhamdulillah...sempurna puasa untuk hari ke-2

To Nadi, Jaja & Izzam...thanks for joining me & pwincezz mata bulat for today's fast breaking.
We had a great time...gud gud.
We'll see again guyzz!!
My B suke bebel la..hihihi...sayang eppy sgt smlm..besh besh...tankz gak kt sengetz n ezam...cayang kowank...mkanan pun sedap..xrugi la byr mhal...tgk total smlm tekezut gak...papepun kta enjoy...lps ni J kne join skali bru lngkap sengetz wild...
sebab bebel B ni la yang sayang suke kat B..hihi
J ni klu nk trs wild, kna join lpas ni..
i'm heppy too...tq u'allz! pun tekejut tgk total.. tapi klo ikut kan, average dalam 20, so ok laaa kan?? hehehe... sy pun happy sgt semalam... tp tekezut bila makan semua senyap.. mcm out of place jap. nape meja ni senyap. aku buat salah ke... huuuu...~~~ love u guyz mucho muchoooo~~~
hahaa...aduhhh mahal mahal...ble org 2 ckp total cam xcaye..mcm slh kira..hihihi...xpe xpe yg penting mknan ok...tankz ye nadi..muahhhh..cayang awk...senyap sbb semua lapa..yela dh xmkn 1 hri kn..hahaha....mcm pelik je senget senyap...slalunye sengetz la "WILD"...hihihi....ble nk main layang2 ni....
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