So, untuk tidak mengecewakan perasaan kami lagi, hari ini, ktorang nekad utk melaksanakan 'misi kambing', dan ktorang akan pastikan ianya berjaya. aha! Roger Pian jap, dia pun on. Maklumle, misi ni agak rahsia, sebab?? kitorang gerak awal drpd biasa. Takleh der, klu gerak dr ofis mcm biasa or lambat skit? mm..nampak gayenye rasa kuah kambing je la. hihi.
Mm..my Pwincezz nak pkai 'miow', so det aku nak pinjam 'butterbug' cik Nadi whoot2. hihi. "boleh ye wak"..sametime je skang, maklumle, cik Nadi ni dah dapat email.. Sesat cari 'butterbug', sbb cik Nadi whoot2 kasi wrong direction. Menurut dia sendiri, she have mental problem wit parking, esp B2. But its ok, boleh adjust. aha!
Alhamdulillah, sampai je kat gerai briani tu, ktorang adalah?? adalah?? pengunjung & pembeli pertama!! yay!! berketul2 daging kambing terserlah di permukaan kuah. Dap dap der. Pian, ni 1st time dia try makan kambing...gud try for him, but its a bad idea for his head. hihi. Pian pening kepala lps makan kambing. syian dia...
Ok guyzz, misi kambing terlaksana sudah. Alhamdulillah perut dah kenyang..skang, jom gi masjid..solat time.
After brek1st lagi, terus je jumpe big boss, to verify my paper work wic I've completed since last 2 days. So far, everythings ok. She's (my boss sume perempuan, hihi) impress wit my work, coz she acknowledge that ders a lot things to be done, but our team has well-manage all those tasks.
She keep remind us to keep in track wit all the pending tasks and try to complete it asap. So that, we have a chance to doing something new and expose ourself in terms of career development. Such as, managing 'big projects' like Specialize Marketing Mission & audit visit in overseas, huhu..its my dream..insyaAllah, one day.
My love,
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright
My first love,
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
And I,
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes,
You mean the world to me
Yes, you will always be
My endless love
Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love,
I'll be that fool or you
I'm sure you know I don't mind
'Cause you,
You mean the world to me
I know I've found in you
My endless love
And love,
I'll be that fool for you
I'm sure you know I don't mind
'Cause u, You'll be the only one
And NO one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love, My love, My love
Kat sini jugak, ada teratak arwah Wak Amat (abang mama) & arwah Wak Ti (kakak mama), yang juga dulu tempat tinggalnya arwah embah & atuk (mak & ayah mama) dan mama sendiri. Tapi, once kedua-dua (Wak Amat & Wak Ti) insan kesayangan mama ni pulang ke rahmatullah, umah tu dah makin sunyi dan 'reput' dimakan usia. Takde ape yang tinggal, hanya kenangan pahit & manis selama hayat mereka bersama. Al-fatihah buat mereka sume. Al-fatihah.
IT help desk!! help meeee!!
Rewiiinndd!! Jumaat, 23 Julai 2010, aku mulakan Misi Weekend aku ke Bandar Seri Putra (BSP). Ni mahligai kesayangan family Chik Lemen, my Pwincezz mata bulat's uncle. Family Chik ni dah mcm family ke2 Pwincezz kt Semenanjung ni. They're sooo closed. So do I.hihi.
Stay one nite here at BSP, we r having fun met all the 'noty Kidzz on d block' & lil' Pwincezz Ayumi (Pwincezz mata bulat version kecik,hihi). Its part of my responsibility since been married with Pwincezz mata bulat, her family, will be oso my family. Saling berziarah ni memang dah diamalkn sebelum kawin lagi. My wife ni, salah 1 perkara yang wat aku sangat suke & respek dgn dia, dia sangat hormatkan org2 tua, esp bila they are part of her family. (aku sukeeee!)
Sebelum ni, bila berjumpa dgn family Chik, I'm not yet officially their family members, but now.. I can feel the difference...dah makin rapat, dah makin mesra, especialy wit the kidzz. Ya, memang before this pun dah rasa kemesraan tu, tapi biasale, bila dah 'rasmi' ni, kita akan rasa lebih selesa.