Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quotes for Pwincezz...

First off let me say, "Happy Birthday!"
It does not seem possible, but you are twenty-six,
Can't use the excuse "I'm a teen," anymore,
But trust me, we'll still come up with plenty-clix..

Look back at the great memories,
But don't forget the bad times.
They teach us our lessons,
Even though they are the tough climbs.

You’re always very special
And u should know today
That u are wished the nicest things
That life can bring ur way
Like warm & loving wishes
And happiness & cheer
And everything u need to start
Another happy year

1 comment:

UrBelovedWiffy said...

Alololo chomellnye..ade Quotes lgi..Hubby, i ♥ u soo much..Romantiknye kamu...