they are just conting the hours...
penantian 9 bulan bakal berakhir...aku pernah punye perasaan ni dlu..n now? its their turn!! hihi...insyaAllah its nothing to worry bout my dear lads..
sebelum hari sebenar tu tiba..
marilah kita same2 berkongsi saat2 mendebarkan tu..kita bahagi2kan skit sama banyak..kesian kt future mama jaja n papa ezam..
so, this briliant idea came from mama sofia saya tu ha..yg sgt comel n cantik itew (jgn jeles ye..hihi), together with cik nadiah sheik ihsanuddin, mau buat baby shower utk our very best friend forever, puan jaja khazali yg bakal melahirkan her 1st baby with mr ezam ariff...
last baby shower was held back in 2011...for my littleman..hah!! sgt meriah masa tu...nk rewind boleh? gi check my post in 2011, in june i think..ya it was in june!!
but this time...its quite simple, but again the most important thing is..ape yg kami buat tak pernah tak best. huah! serius? yezza...if u ask me..that will be my answer. coz for us, there's nothing can be more meaningful rather than our sincerity in friendship. thats what we keep in ourself...
date | october 6, 2012
venue | on the table
before start...baloon of honour.. |
yay! mereka dah sampai!!
special table for 'mama to be' at On The Table |
2 hearts on the table..while danish keep cheering!! |
dishes on the screen!! yummilicious! |
me & 'wizard of oz' (my dish) & littleman!! |
they kidnapping my son!! |
us... |
happy baby shower!! |
almost end... |
ok ok..lets go home sayang... |
On The Table guyz...
if you wish to have something different, many choices of signature dishes, really nice scene and environment, tip top services, with a reasonable price on the tag...this is the place..u shud try it..bring ur family, ur love one..i'm sure u will like it! but again, it depends on everybody's preferences...kan?
ok done promo...
back to the celebration..we r glad to be part of it..seriously..our family is getting bigger..the more, the merrier. doa kami buat mama jaja n papa ezam..moga dikurniakan anak yg soleh...pelihara dan lindungi anugerah Allah ni dengan sebaik2nya..mereka sebahagian daripada nyawa kita..pesanan untuk diri sendiri juga.
moga dipermudahkan semuanya..amin ya rabbal 'alamin.