Friday, April 20, 2012

Birthday trip | G e o r g e t o w n

ye benar...benar sama sekali.
peristiwa ini berlaku 21 hari yg lepas. namun apekan daya, kekangan masa, kerja dan idea buat kisah2 ini sume tertunda hingga ke hari ni. hihi. xpela long as stil ade ruang dikongsikan, harap awk org sume terus sudi membaca ye..

kisah celebration birthday my pwincezz mata bulat diteruskan lagi. eh kjap!!! jap jap...trip ni trip birthday + holiday ke penang...juga hadiah buat mama, n tarikh trip ni is? 31 mac 2012!!! means that! hari ni birthday mama!!

to mama,

Every day I wake up in the morning and think
how blessed I am to be waking up beside such a beautiful soul.

I don't know how you make even
the simplest and the most ordinary moments of life
seem colorful and magical.
I hope your Birthday turns out to be as magical as
are every single day.

Happy Birthday Mama!!

date | m a r c h 3 1 | 1 9 8 5 - 2 0 1 2

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