done 1st day here in Georgetown!
tiring day at the beginning but ummm...
so now, let me share bout what happened on the 2nd day?!
antara plan2 yg nk dibuat?
breakfast!of coz!
beli jeruk??!harus!kota jeruk ni!!rugi tak beli no..hihi
redeem voucer
lunch buffet at nyum nyum...
last but not least?mau
naik bukit bendera!
n then,
kembali ke kota kl!
date | a p r i l 1 s t
breakfast?biase!mamak la the best kat sini. tp difahamkan, mamak yg the best in town happening pd waktu mlm, but its ok...ape yg ade..itu je yg kami pilih. asal ade roti kosong, megi goreng n teh tarik dah ckup mantap...
mama dah lapar sgt, mamam danish saje! |
done brekfast! |
sudah kenyang, proceed to next plan, wic is beli jeruk!! sahabat karibku dah ckp awl2, klu nak beli jeruk, gi kat market chowrasta...situ tersangatlah byk pilihannye..wahai jeruk2 sekalian. jom memborong!!
in front of market chowrasta! |
kota jeruk!! |
my feveret! jeruk mangga! |
selesai memborong, kembali ke hotel..tujuan?cek out n then?mau lunch...ade buffet free!! yesh! perfect! sambil2 nk gi makan, sempat gak amik shot2 menarik around hotel tu...bout the buffet, care dia lain skit...kite blh pilih makanan dlm menu, instead of buffet2 yg biasa sblum ni, kite just amik makanan yg dh sdia terhidang kan, but here in deluxcious..lain skit..menarik2!
my babysitter @ laman hotel! |
under one "roof"..hihi |
turn right please... |
options of appetizer n dessert |
he's waiting for waiter |
waiter!!pls hurry!i'm getting mad here! |
scene after lunch |
welcoming drinks?hihi..wanna say goodbye oredy.. |
ok, program terakhir utk birthday trip kali ni...yay! bukit bendera time! dgrnye..tren kt situ dah baru...betul ke? utk membuktikannye...haruslah kita melihat dgn mata sendiri..hihi...klu ikut jam kt tgn, mmg dah petang, tapi..bile lagi kan nk sampai sini..alang2 menyeluk pekasam..biar sampai ke pangkal? ye pandai..lengan ye...
here we come! |
love this scene!! |
route to the train.. |
ticket view..ya! new train ya'll! |
view from Bkt Bendera! |
lovely us! |
here we are!! bukit bendera!! |
ok, alhamdulillah..slesai sudah birthday trip..georgetown done! now, we wanna going home!!! penat? mmg penat? tp...sgt best n priceless...nak blk kl yg special nye.. kami naik feri..yay!! gambar atas feri? next entry ya!!
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