Friday, April 6, 2012

Month of Charity

No no no...
taknak cite panjang2...
seperti yang dijanjikan,
nk flashback cite bulan Mac 2012.

ape cer??
di awal kemunculan Mac 12,aku, isteri dan kawan2 menara berpeluang untuk ke jeli, kelantan. what for? we are participated in Outreach Program with local community + charity program jgklah..

ya,its a very gud program!
the objectives are there..clinched positively.

2 - 5 mac 12 | glad to be part of it!

bantal danish pengganti diri

lega dah sampai KB!!finally!

preparation day!

dinner time!

as owes,pose pose!

ha,satu meja ngn dr. ceo!
hari kejadian!

smile!gud branding!

2 ways session!

local faveret meal!budu in d house!

with the community

final touch of the day

sampai hotel,smpat amik gambar with N9 futbal players
ha, KUNAni tu!! 

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