Not a gud start for today's 1st entry, but the fact is..aku kena mulakan jugak coz I don want to keep it inside my head too long. huhu... Matrade open the day (17 July 2010) with a glorious win for the 'perbarisan lintas hormat'. Bile aku tengok je Matraders jalan, memang 'semart' n superb la. As usual, our rival? Smidec le..oopss? SmeCorp. Uniform diorang every year cantik, whiiitee je. gud gud, dh jadi trademark! While Matrade, dark blue, not too dark but...nmpak kemas n 'semart'. Well done Matraders.

Ape yang ktorang tggu, n sume Matraders tunggu, dah pun tiba masanye. Acara bolasepak! Sokongan MFC dan sr. management buat aku n team rasa bersemangat utk lakukan yang terbaik untuk hari ni. 1 grup wit Sme Bank & Miti, ya atas kertas x mudah.
Our 1st game, honestly, we hold that match, nice pass, gr8 shots, but then? we have to accept our 1st lose. 1-0 der...just 1 shot on goal by opponent, but its enough to make our camp 'dooomm'. Don't give up guyzz!! game still on!! sume org cakap camtu, n ktorang sume percaya, we stil have a chance. We must beat Miti! no choice guyz no choice...
We lead 2-0...we can smile at least for another minits. Kitorang yakin, ktorang blh menang game tu...since kaki aku dah 'terpeleot', aku serahkan posisi aku kt Izwan. Again, nasib tak menyebelahi kami...aku berani cakap camni sbb aku tau n yakin, my teammates dah main dengan baik, but if I'm asking myself, ders a loooot of things I'v to improve... xbyk yang aku sumbangkan...tapi, insyaAllah..I can be team can be better.

Utk netballerz, congrates...for ur 4th title in a row. Amazing guyz, sriusly. Keep up d good work. Team perbarisan, korang memang terbaeekk. Utk MFC, selalu menceriakan ktorang sume & bersemangat setiap masa. Tq tq & tq...
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