IT help desk!! help meeee!!
Rewiiinndd!! Jumaat, 23 Julai 2010, aku mulakan Misi Weekend aku ke Bandar Seri Putra (BSP). Ni mahligai kesayangan family Chik Lemen, my Pwincezz mata bulat's uncle. Family Chik ni dah mcm family ke2 Pwincezz kt Semenanjung ni. They're sooo closed. So do I.hihi.
Stay one nite here at BSP, we r having fun met all the 'noty Kidzz on d block' & lil' Pwincezz Ayumi (Pwincezz mata bulat version kecik,hihi). Its part of my responsibility since been married with Pwincezz mata bulat, her family, will be oso my family. Saling berziarah ni memang dah diamalkn sebelum kawin lagi. My wife ni, salah 1 perkara yang wat aku sangat suke & respek dgn dia, dia sangat hormatkan org2 tua, esp bila they are part of her family. (aku sukeeee!)
Sebelum ni, bila berjumpa dgn family Chik, I'm not yet officially their family members, but now.. I can feel the difference...dah makin rapat, dah makin mesra, especialy wit the kidzz. Ya, memang before this pun dah rasa kemesraan tu, tapi biasale, bila dah 'rasmi' ni, kita akan rasa lebih selesa.

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