Ladiezz & gentlemen... may I present to u.. the 'greatest' wordzz of honeymoon...the winner goes toooo...
"Dari tanggi kami tungduu...". Hahaha...once mrs pwincezz mata bulat read this entry, I know she will lough and keep her smile untill she meet me..and say.."hubby ni x abis2 nak kenakan sayang..huhu".

I still remember that moment while we are waiting the pool cleaner to finish his job. Mrs pwincezz mata bulat & I actually can't wait even longer to swim. hihi..then, I asked him.."bang, bile boleh berenang ni?hihi"...he answered "boleh dah...". Suddenly? mrs pwincezz said, "ala abg ni, dr tanggi..." gulp? I heard that sayang...I know she tryin' to say.."dari tadi kami tunggu.."..but once its happen without our concious, haha!!
Until now, the wordzz stil can make us lough!! hahaha.. Nadi & Jaja oso agreed bout this. It just a joke ye sayang. hihi. I hope this entry will be able to make my mrs pwincezz owes happy, keep smiling & loughing while at the same time can 'keep in touch' wit our amazing memoriezz. Love u sayang...
HUBYYYYYYYY!!!! ala ade lgi upenye kes ni ye..ingtkn Hubby dh lpe bout dat..noty noty ye..hihihi...Hubby mmg suke wat Sayang senyum tau...muahhhh kes tadi+tunggu=tanggi.....hahahaha...adoyai...mmg lawak..comei je pia ni tau..
weheeeee... td sy p tempat pia, dia cakap awak kena kan dia... sy gelak jer bace blog tadi.... hehehe~~
saba saba..Ya Allah sabarkn HambaMU ini..hahaha....huhuhu..pia tsasul la babe...adoiii dh silap pia cpt2 senyap tkut zz dgr upenye2 mmg kne bahan terok...
awakkk!!! dhla tu..jgn gelakkn sye lgi..adoiii.....malu malu malu malu...
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